Derek Welton


The Australian-born bass-baritone Derek Welton is recognised as one of the leading voices of his generation, with a repertoire ranging from Bach and Handel to the present day.


He is a regular guest at companies such as the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Salzburg Festival, Vienna State Opera, Bayreuth Festival, Bavarian State Opera, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Semperoper Dresden, Hamburg State Opera, Paris Opera, Dutch National Opera, and Lyric Opera of Chicago, in roles such as Wotan/Wanderer (Der Ring des Nibelungen), Amfortas and Klingsor (Parsifal), König Marke (Tristan und Isolde), Orest (Elektra), Voland (Der Meister und Margarita), Bluebeard (Bluebeard’s Castle), Pizarro (Fidelio), Forester (The Cunning Little Vixen), Prus (The Makropulos Case), Saint-Bris (Les Huguenots), Pandolfe (Cendrillon) and Mozart’s Figaro.