Derek Welton


Welton’s stage début as Walküre-Wotan also critically acclaimed

Derek Welton’s stage début as Wotan in Die Walküre in May 2024, in Stefan Herheim’s staging at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, conducted by Nicholas Carter and Sir Donald Runnicles, was also acclaimed by the press:


‘Derek Welton’s Wotan came across as perhaps more tightly, certainly more darkly, focused; that is perhaps in part a matter of material, but surely also pays tribute to the intelligence and musicality of this fine artist. At times, profoundly, disconcertingly other-worldly, the god could also readily turn human, all too human.’ – Seen and Heard International


‘Welton is superbly commanding as a distinguished-looking but troubled and disturbing, violently inclined Wotan’. – Limelight Magazine


‘Derek Welton sang the father of the gods himself with equal confidence. His powerful baritone voice handled the extremely difficult part with ease, cleanly and with extremely clearly understandable diction.’ – Klassik begeistert


Welton’s stage début as the WalküreWotan came shortly after his concert début in the same role with the Dresden Festival Orchestra and Concerto Köln in March 2024, under the baton of Kent Nagano.